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Additional Savings

Christmas Club

A Christmas Club Account is a great way to save for the holidays or other year-end expenses, such as house insurance, tuition, and taxes. It’s easy to open a club account, just stop in at any branch office for more information.

Deposits can be by Direct Deposit or made at your convenience, whether you’re doing It’s Me 247 online banking, 24 Teller phone service, or visiting a branch.  You can also set up an automatic transfer into your Christmas Club each pay period. Contact your employer to set up the direct deposit service. Your Christmas club money will roll over into your savings account annually on the first of November.

You can open your Christmas Club account any time of the year, but why wait?

24 Teller is currently down. Our team is working to resolve the issue. Reach out to the Service Center for assistance. (989) 910-5135.