Don’t stay buried in holiday debt! Take advantage of our credit card transfer special, with rates as low as 4.99% APR*.
Start the year fresh and lower your monthly payments. Transfer your high-rate credit card balances to your NCACU Visa® Credit Card and save with rates as low as 4.99% APR* and no balance transfer fees!
Save money:
- Rates as low as 4.99% APR* will reduce the interest you pay — and lower your payment amount.
- Transfer any balances to our card with no balance transfer fees.
- Eliminate multiple payments and pay down debt faster.
Save with this low rate for the first 12 months of your transfer. But hurry; this offer won’t last long!
Roll your balances to us:
- Start by verifying your balances on other credit cards.
- Make your request: Call us at (989) 910-5135.
- Remember never to email us your personal information.
You’ll see immediate savings and improve your cash flow.
Shop anywhere:
- Enjoy our already low (standard) rate on all new purchases.
- Use your card anywhere Visa is accepted.
Apply today!
If you’re not a cardholder, apply online or call (989) 910-5135.
Need a larger line?
Don’t get caught short. Use this HANDY LINK to request a larger credit line.